A spoken-word open-mic event, held online via Zoom, To sign up to ZOOM is free https://zoom.us/signup Pilsnerpoesi,Tranås and Poems and Pints at the Queens, Carmarthen, unite again for an international live online spoken-word open-mic event. To participate you will need to sign up to ZOOM for free. please mark yourself as going in this fb event notification and let us have your email address so that we may send you an invitation to join.
Please let us know whether you wish to have a reading slot or will just be joining as audience.
Doors open at 5.45 pm
Event starts at 6pm (Wales) 7pm (Sweden)
Bring you own snacks and drinks there will be raffle at half-time.
The performances at this public event will be recorded pleas let us know if you do not wish us to share your reading online
There will be a raffle, yay! If you have books that you could donate as prizes please let us know.
