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Spanish publication with origional poems in English Poetry by Colm Kiernan


In 2019 I said yes to Al Faro Editciones being the first to publish a selection of my poems, it wasn’t meant to take so long to get to the point of publication, but life had its own plans for us on our life’s journeys. I want to thank Dominic Williams and Inês Lampreia for their many years of nurturing my poetry with a soft editors eye, and Frank Bergsten Britta Thurfjell and Magnus Grehn for their enthusiasm sarcasm and support, but where would my poetry be without a certain three people who often managed to slip between the sheets of these pages muses to my life and inspiration to my fantasy, and finally Aleisa Ribalta for her translation and publication of this work.


Book Reviews

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Kiernan talks of his poetry as navigating a route to the bare self. His opening poem focuses very directly upon a physical nudity that is merely an illusion of true nakedness. Even in this most personal of spaces there is a lack of intimacy a lack of intimacy that is the source of anguish for the female voice in this poem. There is a constant theme throughout the collection of the poet’s questioning of a personal and societal reality and the poet’s role within the context of the values of a wider community or society.


- Dominic Williams



Colm Kiernan's poetry indicates a simultaneously raw and humanistic gaze, simultaneously romantic and nihilistic, sensual and disillusioned, which cannot be characterized or packaged into a single literary trend. It is rather a quest that reveals itself between hyper-realism and self-reflection, allowing the reader to embark on a journey that becomes their own.


- Inês Lampreia



With these powerful and naked verses that appear behind the veils of an ordinary morning, the poet defines himself and thus, not only chooses a path, but also makes it clear to us how he has chosen to walk. The route is definite but the destination not so. As we read, we ask ourselves, perplexed, where is the journey to?


- Aleisa Ribalta



I will never think the same way about cows again. Colm Kiernan's poetry combines rawness with the beauty of being alive with wit, presence and curious detail. His poetry is a stream of consciousness rollercoaster between the highs of love, joy and absolute darkness.


- Erica Elfström

Golden hour / Hora Dorada

120,00 krPris
  • Författare: Colm Kiernan

    Förlag: Al Faro Ediciones



    ISBN 13


    Utgiven 2023
    Språk Spanska / Engelska
    Genre Poesi
    Sidor 134



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