Featuring the art of David Van Gough
the illustrations of Leonardo Flores
a new art collaboration with Martin Andersen
and Iskra Dinkova's Mind in Motion
The poetic initiatives of Versopolis' Festival of Hope
Write4Word and Kultivera's lessons on Going Hybrid
The Neon Rebel's People have the Power
and Laura Arena's conversation with a tree and a Dolmen
Reframing the Human Spirit by Jason Box
and the Poetics of Oblivion, a photography special by
German Ortegon
As well as the poetry of
Armando Salgado
Milica Denkovic
Efrin Gonzalez
Ryan Rowland
and more!
For the past 11 years, Red Door Magazine has documented the projects, process and interests of an international creative community that includes hundreds of participants. Now, Red Door Magazine celebrates its second decade by expanding its reach as a printed collectible issue.
Red Door Magazine #25
Bandtyp Häftat
Sidor 76
Utgiven 2020 Recensionsdag 1 augusti Genre Kulturtidskrift